Penpisha's IB Psych Blog

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Well, before I go into something serious, which is my homework, I decide that I should do some introduction of myself first, before doing the work. Don't really know why, it's just my code of manner. Okay, let's get started.

Okay, my name is Penpisha, Ploy for short. I'm Thai, living in Thailand. I'm an RIS student, Grade 11 and right now, trying for the IB Diploma Program. I won't really explain it much, since I don't know much about it myself. All I know is that: 1. It's a course of 6 subjects for 2 years; 2. It's harder than normal class; and 3. It look good on the transcript. That's all. Short simple for me, and the diploma is really my kind. I like to challenge myself.

About this blog? I think it will serve for only one purpose, which this post is excluded. It's for IB Psychology HL, which I'm currently taking. Not counting this introductory post, I don't think I'll post anything other than that; not of other class, not of a bad day, not of a good day, nothing other than Psychology. Reason? Because this is IB Psychology HL with Mr. Peter Antony in RIS!!!

Okay, enough of the introduction, I think. Hope you enjoy!!


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